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 Rotating bezels and Dive watches

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Rotating bezels and Dive watches Empty
PostSubject: Rotating bezels and Dive watches   Rotating bezels and Dive watches Icon_minitimeWed Aug 06, 2014 6:47 pm

Have you guys ever thought about the rotating bezel, and how it came about on the dive watch? Well Watchtime has a
really neat article about it's origins, and talks about how the rotating external bezel actually began with both aviation,
and racing watches. Helping to measure everything from speed, and distance, to aiding in navigation, and directions.

Some of the first examples are said to have showed up as early as 1929, and 1935, with the Longines Weems watch
being one of the most important. Later after WWII different armies wanted dive watches made just for diving, and then
names like Blancpain, Rolex, Panerai, Omega etc. made history. Followed by companies like Enicar, Doxa, and Jenny,
and more adding additional markings, and also decompression tables on their bezels.

Here is the article. Hope you enjoy...

A few pictures...

Rotating bezels and Dive watches Longines_Weems_1943_Museum_regular

Rotating bezels and Dive watches Blancpain_Original_FiftyFathoms_560

Rotating bezels and Dive watches Jenny_Caribbean_bezel_submerged_560

Rotating bezels and Dive watches NewSigcopy
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