That has to be just THE best Gary !
Am betting he probably didn't get it at first, but then once he was seeing
the watch show you put on every day, he couldn't resist finding out more,
and getting into the hobby.
A lot of times it feels like our
society is so caught up in all being into the same things. And there really
is the feel of people following pop culture trends, and the like. With watches
kind of being left out. That is unless you are talking about an Apple Watch,
or step counter thingamabob.
But honestly think real watches, along with this hobby is so dynamic, and
has such an incredible history, that most people nowadays are missing out.
Missing out on something real, something tangible, and something that is,
and has never been a fad, or trend.
For myself, I really haven't gotten anyone into the hobby, but actually am
someone who got into watches due to someone else.
My brother, father,
and grandfather all like watches, and I was actually late to the party !
Can never thank them enough !!!