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 Visiting some pocket watches

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Visiting some pocket watches Empty
PostSubject: Visiting some pocket watches   Visiting some pocket watches Icon_minitimeWed Aug 09, 2023 1:41 pm

Well the motherlode is producing some high quality and low quality pocket watches. Here  are some but not all...

This cool Seiko:
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8463

Elgin 479 from 1928 (running perfect)
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8465
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8466

Sewills RAF
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8464

1908 Waltham, PS Bartlett, 14K gold case
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8468
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8470

1896 Waltham
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8476

1888 Waltham
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8477

Bunch of Russians:
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8546

1870 Gruen:
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8545

also a few dollar pockets, a Ingersoll Yankee and an Ingram Autocrat
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8548

This one I sold to an Amish guy:
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8474

Plus many more, some Chinese wind up ones and lots of quartz junkers, but some good ones not shown either.

Here is a cool 1947 oversize Omega wristwatch that doesnt work but was part of this lot:
Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8550

Visiting some pocket watches IMG_8551

Later, Gary

Visiting some pocket watches Doggytongue

Remember we are the caretakers of mechanical art.....
Member NAWCC, National Association of Watch & Clock Collectors

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PostSubject: Re: Visiting some pocket watches   Visiting some pocket watches Icon_minitimeWed Aug 09, 2023 3:44 pm

Yowzers Gary, the Motherlode really is the extraordinary gift that keeps o giving ! Visiting some pocket watches 812159

You know pocket watches have always been fascinating to me since seeing my dad's as well as
granfathers years ago. And although I haven't actually ever bought one, I feel like I should in
the coming years because they are amazing. cheers Visiting some pocket watches 933578 I mean just look at all of these here above ! Surprised
It's like you found a treasure trove of timeless antiques or something, wow, I love it ! And I
swear it doesn't matter where the watches are from, or who made them. They all look like
eauties to me and I can imagine they are enjoying making friends with all of your other
epic watches n your collection. Cool Very Happy Visiting some pocket watches 803574 Visiting some pocket watches 803574 I could stare at the pictures of these all day
long sir. cyclops Thank you so so much for sharing another armada of awesomeness from the
amazing Motherlode !

A HUMONGOUS congrtaulations on all of these, everything !!! Idea Smile Very Happy

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