Hey guys... It's been a long time since I was here last, so I thought it best if I said hello. There are a lot of familiar people I know already but those who don't, I started out at WatchGeeks. Got banned, and have been on WUS, TimeZone, and BDWF to name a few. For the most part you can find me at DWC. If you haven't made it yet, I invite you to come and check it out. Some members here are members there as well.
Since this is the last day of the year, I thought it would be fitting if I rejoined you guys. This is the only hobby I love and am passionate about, and that my wife enjoys it with me. Those of you who seem to catch a lot of flack, find out what she's interested in, and every now and then, buy something for her. In my case, Mrs. CDogg has a love of purses. Every now and then I would get her a purse, and I started getting her watches. Now, she has quite a watch collection along with some nice purses to boot. The key is to keep the family life balanced. If she sees you buying all of these new watches, and her not getting anything, of course she's going to be upset.
Sorry for the pontificating, just thought I would share it with you guys and help ease the pain some of you have endured this year.
May 2011 bring you prosperity and good fortune, and you get to add the timpieces you've had on radar for. Have a safe and happy new year XMT!