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 Doxa Watch Company

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PostSubject: Doxa Watch Company   Doxa Watch Company Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2012 10:16 am

For the Doxaholics out there...a bit of history about Doxa and other information/resources:

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The Doxa company was founded in 1889 by Georges Ducommun. The ambitious twenty-one year old craftsman created high quality timepieces, initially pocket watches often with exquisite hand-decoration, progressing to award-winning wristwatches as the company earned respect and success.

Under its founder the Doxa watch brand became an innovator within the industry when in 1908 he patented an 8-day watch movement. This pioneering mechanical movement was placed in a larger case making it the perfect timepiece for the latest new leisure pursuits of that time - aviation and motor cars. One of the most famous names in motoring history, Bugatti used the Doxa 8-day movement instrument in the iconic Type 35 Bugatti.

The Doxa watch company came under the ownership of Jacques Nardin when its founder died in 1936. Nardin, the son-in-law of Georges Ducommun was the grandson of another famous watchmaker, Ulysse Nardin. Having had a history of timekeeping within aviation and motor racing, Nardin sought to take the Doxa brand into a new niche - that of the divers watch.

During the 1960’s diving, once considered to be a military activity was becoming a popular recreational pastime. Developed after consultation with the U.S. Diving Association, some of who had worked with Jacques Cousteau, the first Doxa diving watch, the Doxa Sub300t was unveiled in 1967. This diving watch surpassed any that had gone before it in terms of technical achievement and looks. With many new features including a unidirectional bezel, resulting in a no-decompression limit indicator, perhaps the most unique element of this watch was cosmetic - the Sub300t had a unique orange dial, perfect for legibility in mid-range diving depths. (Original patent --->>> [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Soon after the introduction of the Sub300t, the Swiss watch industry was hard-hit economically by the quartz watch revolution. Accurate, reliable and small timepieces could now be made without the mechanical movements that the Swiss specialized in constructing. In response, Doxa joined a group of Swiss watchmakers to consolidate resources. This eventually failed and Doxa, after being sold, ceased operations in about 1980.

Doxa was purchased by the Jenny family of Switzerland. Since August 2002, Doxa has introduced re-editions of its well known watches and timepieces in limited quantities. Many are faithful to their original models in design and construction, and all use Swiss movements (other parts may be non-Swiss).

Doxa Innovations

* First Commercial dive watch, Sub300t in 1967.

* First watch with a rotating bezel to compute no-decompression times, Sub 300t, 1967.

* 8 Day Movement, 1908.

* Helium release valve; first watch with a helium release valve. Doxa, in conjunction with Rolex, invented and introduced the first dive watches with a helium release valve, which prevented this helium buildup. While this was a major advance at the time, few actual watches with this feature were produced. Doxa introduced the Sub300t Conquistador in 1969 featuring a helium release valve. Rolex introduced this feature into its Sea-Dweller watch in 1971.

Doxa's dive watches adhere to the following naming conventions:

Professional - refers to an orange faced dive watch
Sharkhunter - refers to a black faced dive watch
Searambler - refers to a silver (metallic) faced dive watch
Caribbean - refers to a blue faced dive watch
Divingstar - refers to a yellow faced dive watch
Conquistador - refers to a watch with a helium release valve

Montres DOXA SA
Rue de Zurich 23A, P.O. Box 8542, CH-2500 Bienne 8
Tel. +41 (0)32 344 42 72, Fax +41 (0)32 344 42 70

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They have a forum...I just forget where it is Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: Doxa Watch Company   Doxa Watch Company Icon_minitimeMon Oct 15, 2012 1:57 pm

It's amazing to know all of the different accomplishments Doxa has had as a watch
company. Always liked their unique cases, bezels, bracelets, along with their orange
dials, but it's very cool to know about all of their history like this. Wow ! Impressive ! Doxa Watch Company 803574
Thanks again !

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PostSubject: Re: Doxa Watch Company   Doxa Watch Company Icon_minitimeWed Oct 24, 2012 5:51 pm

That orange dialed watch looks really nice! It is a nice design and retro looking for sure!

How much would one of the 750 models cost if I bought one used?
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