It has been quite a while since we posted an update so I wanted to let everyone know how Carol is doing. The last few weeks have been a little stressful. Carol has had some increase in the pain in her back. When she discussed it with her Dr. he wanted to get an MRI and see how things are going and if they should do another vertiboplasty. That is the procedure where they seal up the crack in the vertebrae and that should relieve the pressure and pain. If you remember when I first let everyone know about our situation, Carol had 3 cracked vertebrae and they did 2 vertiboplasty. I guess it is time for that third. We went and did the MRI and waited on the results. The following week we went on vacation. I have a friend that let us use his condo for the week. It was fantastic to get away from it all. Carol, the kids and I all had fun. When we got back on Friday about 4:30 there was a message on the machine from Carol’s Dr. from Thursday that he wanted to discuss the results. It was too late to call then since they close early on Friday’s around 3:00 or 3:30. When we called Monday he was out of town on vacation and the other Dr in the office would not be back till Tuesday. On Tuesday when we called the other Dr. would not release the results to us since we are not his patient. We had to wait until the following Monday for her Dr. to be back in. She had he chemo treatment scheduled for that day. So I dropped her off in the morning and then dropped off the kids and went back to Dr.’s office. When he got there they finally called me back to the room and Carol came back too. We were both shaking from being so nervous and stressed about what was to come. When he came in he told us that everything seems to be going well. We have scheduled the vertiboplasty and a pet scan. If the results of both of those are good. NO MORE CHEMO. We are anxious and hopeful that we are winning this battle. So I pray that we get a few more pieces of good news over the next few weeks and maybe we can put this chapter behind us. She will still have to go back every 3 weeks and get the Zomed and Herceptin but those don’t make her sick. Those just promote bone growth and help keep the immune system up.
On the lighter side of things, school has started back up and we have 4 in soccer, one in volleyball and one in marching band. Busy, busy, busy. Thanks again to everyone who helped us out with all the thoughts and prayers, donations and auctions. You all are the best. Thank you again.