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 The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio

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PostSubject: The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio    The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio  Icon_minitimeMon Oct 08, 2012 3:59 pm

Did you ever wonder how the G-Shock was developed???...what the "G" means???...well, I found this at a pretty cool site:

The G-Shock Origin: DW-5000

The first G-Shock released was the DW-5000C-1A in April of 1983.

The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio  DW-5000C-1A

The Story of How Kikuo Ibe Developed the G-Shock Watch

In 1981, the Casio project team came up with the idea of "Triple Ten", that is, to build an ultimate watch which has 10 years life, water resistance up to 10 atmosphere, and endures the shock even when dropped to the ground from 10 meters height. To develop a watch endure the shock of free fall caused by gravity -- that was their concept. The name of the product "G-SHOCK" fully reflects the concept.
"Watches are thin and fragile --- that was the common sense. I wanted to challenge it". The man led the project team of G-SHOCK's development said, looking back the beginning.

The title of "G" means --- The shock from fall can be the hardest shock for human being. The energy of shoot at hockey game could be, how strong it may be, dispersed by the bent of stick or the position of the person who receive it. However, the energy of fall won't be dispersed and can be ultimate damaging energy. "The resolution of the damaging energy" is the concept of "G". "G" has the ability. It doesn't mean that "G" is unbreakable regardless of the place and height it would be dropped, but "G" will work as long as the owner lives. That is the "G".

In 1983 the very first G-SHOCK was marketed under the product name "DW-5000C." Over 30 versions of the original form factor G-SHOCK have appeared on the market since; low-temperature proof models, mud-proof watches highly resistant to mud or dirt, versions with built-in temperature sensors, pressure sensors and other support features, a diver's watch and more.

Indeed, the saga of the G-SHOCK can be said to comprise an ongoing series of revolutions which have truly shaken up the world of watches again and again.

Developing a legend - The Concept

G-Shock is the ultimate tough watch. It was born from a developer's dream of "creating a watch that never breaks." Guided by a "Triple 10" development concept, the design teams sought a watch with 10-meter free-fall endurance, 10-bar water resistance and a 10-year battery life.

At a time when it was commonly believed that watches were breakable items, G-Shock's development represented a challenge to common sense. The number of experimental prototypes built for endurance testing reached over 200. And the structural development and parts improvement took approximately two years. After a long, hard process of trial and error, G-Shock was finally launched. A shock resistant structure that overturned conventional thinking about watches was realized thorough breakthrough thinking, including the ideas of a hollow- structured case, all-directional protective covering and the use of cushioning material to protect critical parts.

These were the fruits of technological development that insisted on "toughness" and a revolution in watch design. Since its launched, G-Shock has continued to evolve for 25 long years, carrying on the toughness of spirit and uncompromising passion that led its developers to persist in their unshakable belief.

Origninal content can be found here --->>>

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PostSubject: Re: The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio    The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio  Icon_minitimeTue Feb 19, 2013 1:57 am

Really nice post, thanks for sharing such useful information.
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PostSubject: Re: The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio    The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio  Icon_minitimeSat Mar 02, 2013 10:14 pm

Great read!

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PostSubject: Re: The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio    The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 3:11 am

Really nice post and it really informative...
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PostSubject: Re: The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio    The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio  Icon_minitimeTue Mar 19, 2013 1:53 pm

Amazing Mark ! Makes you appreciate the watches more, and even makes you want to add
another to a collection. cheers Really terrrific to find out about. Thank you sir !

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PostSubject: Re: The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio    The first G-Shock -- Story of the development of the Casio  Icon_minitime

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